Content Conductors: Improving the Writing Process with Prompt Engineering

Imagine a piece of writing as a song. Each word is a note, arranged in concert with one another to produce a pleasing composition. The writer is the composer and conductor, adding style and fine tuning each performance to the audience’s ear. If traditional writing is a classical overture, then it might be easy to […]

Ethics, AI, and Content Writing

ChatGPT recently had a birthday, of sorts. OpenAI opened the innovative software to the public last November, making the artificial intelligence tool a truly precocious one-year-old. Just as other one-year-olds are learning to talk, ChatGPT’s large language model (LLM) becomes more sophisticated with every conversation it has with users. It’s learning and growing much faster […]

The Art and Science of Content Engagement: Writing for People AND SEO

We’ve all done Google searches and come across articles that seem like they’re all keywords and no substance, leaving us wondering who they were written for – robots, perhaps? When it comes to digital marketing, content creation is both an art and a science. It’s a constant challenge to produce copy that resonates with human […]

A Roadmap or a Waste of Time: Do Outlines Really Work?

The primrose path of a poem. The scenic drive of a feature article. The information superhighway of a user guide. An effective piece of writing takes the audience from introduction to conclusion with a clear narrative direction. When it comes to content creation for marketing, where the end goal is to build long-term profitable relationships […]

Once Upon a Data Set: Using Numbers to Create Compelling Narratives

Once upon a time, there was a lead-generating blog post supported by well-researched facts and engaging writing. Although this might sound like a fairytale, the most effective content uses real data to tell a story. From user surveys and case studies to corporate analytics and government statistics, there’s a lot of great data available in […]

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Anna O'Neill

As a writer at Version A, I spend my days crafting all sorts of content for our clients. From blogs to white papers to customer stories - you name it, I’ve probably written it! My background in science and the arts means that I approach each project through a double lens of research and creativity. Whatever the topic, I look at every piece as an opportunity to teach myself something new, and hopefully help readers learn something too. My constant writing companion is my little mutt, Scout.
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