Real and Relatable: What Does it Mean to be a Writer in the Age of AI?

You’re reading this right now. That makes you a reader. Right. Of course. Whether or not you’ve sat down with a book lately, you’ve probably spent a good amount of time reading. Email, website, texting, social media – most of our primary forms of communication these days are text-based. So, even if you don’t consider […]

The Content (Marketing) of Your Character: The Importance of Brand Stories

In today’s crowded marketplace, every brand has a story to tell. But why does sharing your brand’s narrative matter? And, moreover, how can you tell your stories in a way that makes an impact? The answer lies in the power of emotional connection. Consumers, whether individuals or businesses, are increasingly seeking more than just products […]

Our New Coworker: 6 Non-Writing Roles AI Plays in Content Marketing

I have a confession to make: I work from home, but I don’t work alone. In fact, I haven’t for some time. And I’m not talking about the wonderful team at Version A. I have a new assistant, and its name is AI. Since the public release of ChatGPT and the host of other generative […]

Content Conductors: Improving the Writing Process with Prompt Engineering

Imagine a piece of writing as a song. Each word is a note, arranged in concert with one another to produce a pleasing composition. The writer is the composer and conductor, adding style and fine tuning each performance to the audience’s ear. If traditional writing is a classical overture, then it might be easy to […]

Ethics, AI, and Content Writing

ChatGPT recently had a birthday, of sorts. OpenAI opened the innovative software to the public last November, making the artificial intelligence tool a truly precocious one-year-old. Just as other one-year-olds are learning to talk, ChatGPT’s large language model (LLM) becomes more sophisticated with every conversation it has with users. It’s learning and growing much faster […]

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Anna O'Neill

As a writer at Version A, I spend my days crafting all sorts of content for our clients. From blogs to white papers to customer stories - you name it, I’ve probably written it! My background in science and the arts means that I approach each project through a double lens of research and creativity. Whatever the topic, I look at every piece as an opportunity to teach myself something new, and hopefully help readers learn something too. My constant writing companion is my little mutt, Scout.
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