In Writing, Editing Is Everything

The great misconception about writing – and all artistic work, really – is that content doesn’t take much time or effort to produce. That great writers always pen best-sellers on the first draft. It’s no wonder we’re frustrated when our first drafts look nothing like the final one that exists only in our heads. One […]

Content Conductors: Improving the Writing Process with Prompt Engineering

Imagine a piece of writing as a song. Each word is a note, arranged in concert with one another to produce a pleasing composition. The writer is the composer and conductor, adding style and fine tuning each performance to the audience’s ear. If traditional writing is a classical overture, then it might be easy to […]

Authenticity in the Age of AI: A Delicate (and Critical) Balancing Act

Authentic. The word has captured the public’s interest – so much so that Merriam-Webster named it 2023’s Word of the Year as many searched for its *true* meaning. Celebrity culture and social media are behind some of the newfound interest, but a driving factor is the rise of generative AI. Merriam-Webster perfectly captured the connection […]

Outsourcing? 6 Advantages of an On-Demand Content Marketing Agency

The decision to outsource some of your content marketing work isn’t an easy one. If you’re facing an outsized workload, an extra set of hands can be a fast and easy way to get some additional copy out the door. And while sometimes the outcomes meet your expectations, other times, they fall short. Why are […]

The Art and Science of Content Engagement: Writing for People AND SEO

We’ve all done Google searches and come across articles that seem like they’re all keywords and no substance, leaving us wondering who they were written for – robots, perhaps? When it comes to digital marketing, content creation is both an art and a science. It’s a constant challenge to produce copy that resonates with human […]

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