Authentic Expressions

Why Writers Love Content and Style Guidelines (and Tips for What to Include)

Consistency is key to building and maintaining your brand. While you may cover a range of topics written from a variety of perspectives, each piece still has to reflect your brand’s defining values and sensibilities. Well-composed content and style guidelines help both internal and external writers produce better content, as well as ensure each piece […]

What’s on the Menu? How to Pair Content for a Better Front and Back of House Experience

Running a content marketing team is, in many ways, a lot like running a restaurant. A well-crafted campaign – or a content menu, if you will – requires thoughtful preparation to make sure your patrons are taken on a dining journey that leaves them satisfied, but not overindulged – perhaps even wishing they had just […]

A Roadmap or a Waste of Time: Do Outlines Really Work?

The primrose path of a poem. The scenic drive of a feature article. The information superhighway of a user guide. An effective piece of writing takes the audience from introduction to conclusion with a clear narrative direction. When it comes to content creation for marketing, where the end goal is to build long-term profitable relationships […]

Tapping into Creativity: Our Favorite Methods and Resources to Flex the Flow

“Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.” — Virginia Woolf In content marketing, particularly in the tech industry, we’re always striving to balance the informative with the creative. As content strategists, bringing order to a client’s universe is a big part of the role. The question often at the […]

Once Upon a Data Set: Using Numbers to Create Compelling Narratives

Once upon a time, there was a lead-generating blog post supported by well-researched facts and engaging writing. Although this might sound like a fairytale, the most effective content uses real data to tell a story. From user surveys and case studies to corporate analytics and government statistics, there’s a lot of great data available in […]

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