Authentic Expressions

Give Readers a KISS: Why Brevity Is Best in Content Marketing

The phrase “Keep It Simple, Stupid!” wasn’t coined with content marketing in mind, but the KISS principle applies here, just as it does in many areas of business (and life). Content marketing copy that’s concise is one of the best ways to get your target audience to fall in love with your content – and […]

Why Writers Love Content and Style Guidelines (and Tips for What to Include)

Consistency is key to building and maintaining your brand. While you may cover a range of topics written from a variety of perspectives, each piece still has to reflect your brand’s defining values and sensibilities. Well-composed content and style guidelines help both internal and external writers produce better content, as well as ensure each piece […]

What’s on the Menu? How to Pair Content for a Better Front and Back of House Experience

Running a content marketing team is, in many ways, a lot like running a restaurant. A well-crafted campaign – or a content menu, if you will – requires thoughtful preparation to make sure your patrons are taken on a dining journey that leaves them satisfied, but not overindulged – perhaps even wishing they had just […]

A Roadmap or a Waste of Time: Do Outlines Really Work?

The primrose path of a poem. The scenic drive of a feature article. The information superhighway of a user guide. An effective piece of writing takes the audience from introduction to conclusion with a clear narrative direction. When it comes to content creation for marketing, where the end goal is to build long-term profitable relationships […]

Tapping into Creativity: Our Favorite Methods and Resources to Flex the Flow

“Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.” — Virginia Woolf In content marketing, particularly in the tech industry, we’re always striving to balance the informative with the creative. As content strategists, bringing order to a client’s universe is a big part of the role. The question often at the […]

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